(2 customer reviews)


$ 50.00

1749 in stock

A-50™ Liquid A-50 is the newest and most powerful OTC drugs available today. A-50 gives you anabolic actions, such as strength, and muscle mass.

A-50™ may be used on its own or in a cycle to support tremendous size and strength gains, or seen in a stack with DIANIBOL™  or TRENADROL 250™ .

A-50™ increases nitrogen retention, puts you in an extremely positive nitrogen balance, and utilities protein more efficiently. Athletes have seen an increase strength in as little as 4 days!

You will notice an extreme increase in blood flow and a massive pump the very first day you use A-50™!

Product Details

A-50™ Liquid A-50 is the newest and most powerful OTC drugs available today. A-50 gives you anabolic actions, such as strength, and muscle mass.

A-50™ may be used on its own or in a cycle to support tremendous size and strength gains, or seen in a stack with DIANIBOL™  or TRENADROL 250™ .

A-50™ increases nitrogen retention, puts you in an extremely positive nitrogen balance, and utilities protein more efficiently. Athletes have seen an increase strength in as little as 4 days!

You will notice an extreme increase in blood flow and a massive pump the very first day you use A-50™!

Side effects are low, but the most common is water retention.

An anti estrogen is not necessary.

A-50™ is suspended in our Russian Delivery System, common to Eastern Block athletes.

This allows for a timed release effect making 1-2 doses / day more effective, and convenient than taking multiple tablets / day.

DIRECTIONS: Take one ml / day at anytime, with or without food.

Stacks Well With Any Product.

DURATION: 1-4 months.

70%  Protein ( 2 grams per pound of bodyweight )
20%  Fat (including MCT oil, omega 3,6,7and 9 EFA’S)
10%  Complex carbohydrates


$50.00 USD


1749 in stock

2 reviews for A-50 LIQUID

  1. Julianne D

    Noticeable strength gains with only 1 week of use.

  2. Charles Zenon

    I was unsure at first, but am glad I purchased, great results with zero side effects. Have recommended to all my friends.

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